How To Fix A Kernel Security Check Failure Bsod

Another common BSOD error that can appear, depending on the circumstances, is a “kernel security check failure” BSOD. This issue is usually caused by corrupted system files, but it could also be due to faulty hardware or outdated drivers. If you want to fix a kernel security check failure BSOD, here’s what you’ll need to do. What Causes a Kernel Security Check Failure BSOD Error on Windows 10? Some BSOD errors are difficult to investigate, but with a kernel security check failure BSOD, you can usually assume that it points to one of two things: a hardware issue or corrupt (or outdated) system files....

January 21, 2023 · 4 min · 717 words · Earl Henry

How To Fix Firefox Not Responding On Pc And Mac

If you’re having trouble with Firefox not responding on your PC or Mac, go through the fixes below to troubleshoot and resolve the issue. Restart Firefox If Firefox just froze on your PC or Mac, try force-quitting and relaunching it. To shut down the browser on PC, right-click the Start button and choose Task Manager. Then, choose Firefox from the list of open apps and select End task. Relaunch the browser after that....

January 21, 2023 · 6 min · 1168 words · Lucy Foster

How To Fix Speech Services By Google Waiting For Network Connection Error

Speech Services by Google plays a critical role on your Android device, delivering seamless text-to-speech and speech-to-text capabilities for native and third-party apps. However, to provide the best possible experience, it needs to download the latest language updates. If Speech Services by Google gets stuck while downloading the latest language updates, it will display a “Waiting for network connection” error in the notifications drawer. When that happens, there are various fixes you can try out to resolve the issue....

January 21, 2023 · 4 min · 776 words · Jennifer Collins

How To Insert Checkboxes In Microsoft Word

One thing that forms and checklists have in common is the checkbox. If you plan to create one of these items, we’ll show you how to insert a checkbox in Word on Windows, Mac, and the web. Insert a Checkbox in Word on Windows In Word on Windows, you can insert a checkbox and adjust its properties. This allows you to mark the checkbox digitally or print the document to mark one physically....

January 21, 2023 · 3 min · 446 words · Peggy Beck

How To Monitor Your Cpu Or Gpu In Windows System Tray

However, you’d be surprised what a quick peek at your hardware temperatures and usage numbers reveal about the efficiency of your system. To share a personal story, I recently found out that the GPU in one of my desktops was running at nearly 80°C while gaming – a temperature that will eventually cause harm over an extended period of time. Using vertical sync to cap my framerate provided a quick fix, and my GPU was cool again....

January 21, 2023 · 4 min · 823 words · Mauro Coles

How To Overclock Your Ram And Why You Should

That’s not a problem by itself, but it’s possible to give your GPU, CPU and RAM a speed boost. Letting other components in the system reach their true potential. While GPU and CPU overclocking are (relatively) straightforward, RAM can be a bit more intimidating. Luckily, on modern computers at least, RAM overclocking is much easier and safer than before. The benefits of overclocking your RAM can also be substantial. Especially if you’re also overclocking other components in the system, making it harder for your RAM to keep up....

January 21, 2023 · 7 min · 1388 words · Mary Lee

How To Recover Deleted Emails From Gmail

The efficacy of the techniques mentioned below may depend on the deletion timeframe. Simply put, recently deleted emails have higher recovery chances—the longer you wait, the slimmer the chances of recovery. But not to worry, you can still recover permanently deleted emails from Gmail. We’ll show you how. Recover Deleted Emails from the Trash Folder All email service providers have a dedicated “Trash” or “Bin” folder where deleted messages from your Inbox are temporarily stored....

January 21, 2023 · 5 min · 997 words · Rita Mccloskey

How To Reinstall Directx On Windows 11 10

DirectX had to be installed separately in earlier versions of Windows since it was often packaged along with games. These days, however, the process is supposed to be automatic, which makes finding a way to do it manually a bit tricky. To help you out, here are all the methods to reinstall DirectX on your Windows PC. When Do You Need To Reinstall DirectX on Your Computer? By default, Windows 11/10 already includes the latest version of DirectX 12....

January 21, 2023 · 3 min · 639 words · James Harvilla

How To Repair Windows 11 To Fix Problems

This guide will help you repair Windows 11 problems using built-in tools. If you already know what caused your Windows 11 problem, you might be able to skip jumping through hoops and choose the best solution. However, even if you’re not sure about the reason, just step through this guide in order. Start by Entering Safe Mode Most fixes require you to boot into your operating system. If you can’t boot into Windows, you’ll need to boot into Safe Mode....

January 21, 2023 · 6 min · 1273 words · Randi Cummins

How To Set Up Windows 11 Virtual Desktops

Virtual Desktop features have been a mainstay of macOS and Linux for many years. Before Windows 10, you had to use third-party apps to get the same functionality. In Windows 10, Virtual Desktops became a new built-in feature, and with Windows 11, it’s been polished to a new level of shine. Virtual Desktops in a Nutshell Virtual desktops are like having access to multiple virtual monitors on one screen. Each virtual desktop has its own windows and configuration, and you can switch between them with a keyboard or mouse shortcut....

January 21, 2023 · 7 min · 1290 words · Brian Roshia

How To Stream Disney Plus On Discord

In this article, we’ll explain how to stream Disney Plus on Discord. What You Need to Stream Disney Plus on Discord While streaming Disney Plus using Discord is easy, there are a few things you need beforehand. First, you need an internet connection that’s fast enough to handle streaming Disney Plus via Discord. Secondly, you need a Disney Plus account with an active subscription. Finally, you need the Discord app, a Discord account, and access to a Discord server....

January 21, 2023 · 3 min · 452 words · Donald Harris

How To Switch Between Virtual Desktops Desks On Chromebook

Virtual Desktops help to minimize distraction and clutter by allowing you to organize related apps or activities in a dedicated workstation. For instance, you can create a desktop dedicated to work-related applications (Google Docs, Zoom, etc.) and another for entertainment-related activities (Netflix, Games, etc.) or social media or instant messaging apps. Currently, you can create up to eight desks on your Chromebooks. If you’re new to using Virtual Desktops, navigating multiple apps, windows, and desks can get confusing or overwhelming....

January 21, 2023 · 5 min · 937 words · Kimberly Crawford

Install Net Framework 3 5 3 0 2 0 On Windows 8 10

In Windows 8/10, .NET 3.5, 3.0 and 2.5 come with the OS, you just have to enable it. This is really nice because you don’t have to go and download .NET 3.5 from the Microsoft website. In this post, I’ll show you how to enable the older versions of the .NET Framework in Windows 8/10. In Windows 8, first go to the Start Screen and start typing “Turn Windows…” and click on Settings in the Charms bar....

January 21, 2023 · 2 min · 412 words · James Amundson

Looking For A Usb Virus Scanner Here Are 5 To Try

There are numerous USB virus scanner options on the market, but it can be hard to narrow down exactly which one is the best choice for you. The following are the best USB virus scanners to try. These programs can not only be launched from USB drives, but they can also scan new drives that are plugged into your system. Panda USB Despite its cute name, Panda USB is nothing to sneeze at....

January 21, 2023 · 5 min · 869 words · Carolyn Prior

Make A Web App Run Like A Desktop App

Another contributing factor is that server-based power is getting more pervasive and cheaper to use. Between the two, conditions are ripe for web apps to become the standard. The Problem with Web Apps However, there is one big problem facing web apps – the browser. If your desktop Microsoft Word also had a web address bar, a bookmarks bar, a bunch of extensions showing, and a row of tabs on top, you would probably get really frustrated with the clutter....

January 21, 2023 · 4 min · 709 words · Travis Crosby

Search Inside Multiple Text Files At Once

Unfortunately, there isn’t any easy way to do this in Windows. The default Windows search is terrible for this kind of task because it’s super slow and doesn’t allow for advanced searches. Luckily, there are several other ways that are far superior to Windows search, which I will mention in this post. I won’t go into great detail about each solution, but you can use Google to learn more. If you don’t want to install any third-party software and you are comfortable with the command line, then you should check out the built-in search commands section below....

January 21, 2023 · 4 min · 728 words · George Parker

Share Folders Between Host And Guest Os In Virtualbox

While you can network the host and guest computer together pretty easily, most people probably just want a simple way to share folders between the host and guest OS in VirtualBox. The good news is that this is quite easy to do! Clearing Up The Terminology It’s important that we quickly clear up a few key terms that will be used in this article: A virtual machine is a simulated computer that runs on another computer....

January 21, 2023 · 5 min · 937 words · Nina Stclair

The 10 Best Octoprint Plugins

“That’s nice,” you might say, “but what makes OctoPrint any different from all the other 3D printer host apps out there?” The thing that sets OctoPrint apart is its extremely versatile, pluggable framework. The framework Häußge designed has attracted a community of developers who, in turn, continually extend OctoPrint’s features and functionality through plugins. There are currently 277 plugins in OctoPrint’s repository. Häußge says, “All in all 194 plugin authors have spent time and effort to bring you these plugins....

January 21, 2023 · 5 min · 992 words · Luis Vega

Vmware Server Web Access Default Username And Password

So, in order to login successfully, you will need to use the built-in Administrator account on Windows XP. If you are using Windows Vista, you will need to enable the administrator account there as well. This account needs to be setup with a password also. Enable Administrator Account To enable the administrator account on Windows Vista do the following: First you’ll need to open a command prompt in administrator mode by right-clicking and choosing “Run as administrator“....

January 21, 2023 · 1 min · 200 words · Katherin White

What To Do If You Think Your Computer Or Server Has Been Infected With Malware

Malware infections usually come through visiting compromised websites, clicking on the links to malicious sites from social media or email messages, or inserting infected USB flash drives. Similarly, vulnerabilities in your operating system and applications make it easier for cybercriminals to install malware on your server. The main goal is to steal data but direct attacks also happen for other nefarious purposes. They’re easier to compromise owing to zero-day vulnerabilities that make them a more valuable target....

January 21, 2023 · 5 min · 961 words · Margaret Reifsnyder