There are several ways to uninstall VirtualBox in Windows 10 and 11, and this post will walk you through them. Skip to the section that discusses removing VirtualBox using a software removal utility if you want to remove all associated registry entries.

Method 1: Uninstall VirtualBox via Apps and Features Pane

The most straightforward way to uninstall Oracle VM VirtualBox is to use the Apps & Features console in Windows Settings.

Method 2: Uninstall VirtualBox via Control Panel

Alternatively, use the older Programs and Features pane in the Windows Control Panel to remove VirtualBox.

Method 3: Uninstall VirtualBox Using Its Windows Installer

If VirtualBox doesn’t appear within the Settings app or the Control Panel, use the Virtualbox installer to remove the program.

Method 4: Uninstall VirtualBox via Windows PowerShell

Another way to remove VirtualBox is through the Windows PowerShell console.

Method 5: Uninstall VirtualBox Using a Software Removal Tool

Use a dedicated software removal utility to remove VirtualBox and all its registry entries. For example, here’s the free version of Revo Uninstaller in action. If you encounter problems with Windows afterward, use System Restore to roll back your changes.

Remove Leftover VirtualBox Folders

Despite using whatever methods above, you’ll still have a couple of leftover folders to delete from your computer’s hard drive or SSD. You can find them under Local Disk C > Users > [Your Username].

.VirtualBox: Contains miscellaneous VirtualBox items. VirtualBox VMs: Contains virtual machine images for Windows, Linux, and other OSs. Keep them if you plan to reinstall VirtualBox.

Out of the Box

Suppose you continue to run into Windows Update incompatibility notifications despite removing VirtualBox. In that case, you may have Android emulators that use similar open-source virtualization technology on your computer—e.g., BlueStacks, LDPlayer, etc. Try removing them as well.

How to Completely Uninstall VirtualBox in Windows - 7How to Completely Uninstall VirtualBox in Windows - 64How to Completely Uninstall VirtualBox in Windows - 43How to Completely Uninstall VirtualBox in Windows - 19How to Completely Uninstall VirtualBox in Windows - 36How to Completely Uninstall VirtualBox in Windows - 7How to Completely Uninstall VirtualBox in Windows - 99How to Completely Uninstall VirtualBox in Windows - 33How to Completely Uninstall VirtualBox in Windows - 32How to Completely Uninstall VirtualBox in Windows - 41How to Completely Uninstall VirtualBox in Windows - 53How to Completely Uninstall VirtualBox in Windows - 7How to Completely Uninstall VirtualBox in Windows - 40How to Completely Uninstall VirtualBox in Windows - 97How to Completely Uninstall VirtualBox in Windows - 84How to Completely Uninstall VirtualBox in Windows - 24How to Completely Uninstall VirtualBox in Windows - 87How to Completely Uninstall VirtualBox in Windows - 41How to Completely Uninstall VirtualBox in Windows - 33